I reached 6:05 tonight. I think, with the long weekend, and if I don't take any days off and get home straight from work, etc - that I can finish filming a week Sunday. So close! Then get the final time-locked piece to audio - amazingly fortunate to have Brett McCoy and Don Carlson working on the audio. (Brett did a beautiful job on "Judder"!) while I spend the last 3 weeks deflickering, effects, etc. Crazy to think that in a month a piece I've spent the last year on will be wrapped up.
A few new stills - I kept them high-rez - that silicone picks up texture so well, I love how it catches the light.
As much as I wanted a more articulated face, I'm finding the limitations really push me to figure out the body language instead which helps me think in terms of his mental/emotional state for the shot - hopefully some of that will come through!
Enrico Miglino – Maker, Musician, Engineer.
1 week ago
Fantastic! Love the insight about the power found within limitation.
amazing picutres - the texture is really incredible. I'm slowly out of words here... wow. phew. woha.
The attention to body language really shows. I have to feel for the little guy, just sitting there under the table.
Congratulations for reaching 6:05. I see that Henry is living there in those pictures. Great work!
Thanks for the support - it's a huge help in this last push to get it done!
I like the shots, the silicone work looks great.
m_) definitely a darn fantastic progress here.
m_) Looking forward to see all put together. So great to hear Pram will be collaborating; he is really good with sounds. Lucky you :P
m_) Keep it up, you can make this. just a bit more and voila!!!!
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