Tuesday, October 7, 2008

beginning storyboarding

So this is the beginning of my storyboarding for my new animation. They won't all be drawn in as much as this, but the intro scene has some panning shots of the set, and I'd like to time those out on the drawing first, get a sense of it all.
I think I'd read that for some movies a storyboard will be sync'd to the audio, then as each clip is filmed it's swapped out, until the animation is complete. I'm thinking of trying this way for the piece - right now I see some parts soo clearly, and others not at all - and I found Judder really frustrating in not having the timing near as clear as I'd like. So - going to try this way - it's looking at being around a 3 min piece so should have new drawings soon to start blocking it in!


bRYEnd_of_the_schtick said...

(^ SO!
(^ how many falls does it take to screw in a eureka moment psychicLIGHTbulb?

(^ answer: one. while UNscrewing a physiCALLightbulb.

(^ just remember to lay there a moment to let the lucid flashing calm down before trying to get back to yer feet

jriggity said...



Anonymous said...

Story reel or lica reel(?) I think its a good way to go, may save you some trouble down the road...

Emily said...

Leica reel - very cool, hadn't heard that term before! Yah, definitely going that way - I plan to have camera movement in 60-80% of the shots so I definitely need to get a feel for it before I start!

Anonymous said...

aka "animatic" nly I'm not sure quite how to spel stuff cuz I went K-12 in california;}

Edwound Wisent said...

(^ don't forget to walk the dog, Em.
(^ and PLEASE don't drop this project1 i want to see the fall and actual TRAINING for CONTROLLED falling: like a pratfall shown in all its glory:

(^ I've friends who i needed to train to fall SAFELY.

9^ old withered bones types. geriatics who have dizzy spells and I tired of worrying the'd break their hip, so I spent 2 hours slowly showing hown to go limp and not tense up when falling.
(^ " ..relax into the fall: ankle/knees/hips/spine/ hand OUT to soften the fall ARM BENT! not straight unless you want a dislocated shoulder!" etc etc...

Emily said...

The project's still definitely on! I'm just in the script writing stage for a bit, so sadly not alot of new pictures coming out - will try to post something soon though!

Anonymous said...

I look forward to following this film's progress